So this is something I have been whipping up for the last couple of Christmases as there are family members that absolutely love these. It is basically 3 hazelnuts covered in chocolate, trilling is Swedish for triplet and nöt is nut.

For many years they where a staple in a popular brand of boxes of chocolate but nowadays they have been removed and it was an outrage.

Anyway, on with the recipe.


200 gram chocolate (the original calls for milk but I have used both white and dark with great results)
100 gram hazelnut kernels


Put the oven on 200° Celsius/392° Fahrenheit and roast the hazelnuts for about 10 minutes. Rub the warm kernels in a towel to remove as much of the skin as possible.

Melt the chocolate on the stove(using the double boiler method) or in the microwave (in 30 sec bursts). Fold the hazelnut kernels in the chocolate. use a spoon so they are all covered by the chocolate.

Now comes the tricky part of catching the kernels 3 and 3, a tip is to use a fork. Let the excess chocolate drain off before placing the triplets on parchment paper. Let them cool and firm up. The left over chocolate can be used to decorate the candy.

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