We have all been there. You and your significant other want to go on a date. Or spend time with just the two of you. Alone. But the kids are always around and hiring a babysitter or asking family members to mind the kid might not be an option. Don’t despair there are things you can do to go on a small date with your SO even when the kids are around.

So how do you date your partner when you have kids?

You try to do things when the kids are sleeping. But then maybe you draw a blank in trying to think of things to do when the kids are asleep.

How to date your partner when you have kids

So I had to ask my husband for help with these as he is the more romantic of the two of us. His suggestions all boil down to daring to try something new.

Make a dessert together

Here at home, it isn’t often that I and my husband get to go out to eat with or without the kids. We both work long hours and on the weekends there is so much else that is scheduled.

So this type of date is something we have started to excel at.

We start the evening with the kids, making a fancier dinner for the four of us. Involving the kids as much as we can. Sometimes even dressing up even if it is only a Wednesday. Making it special.

salmon, fish, seafood

Then we take the time with our boys to get them to wind down and ready for bed at their bedtimes (they have an hour apart, so it stretches the evening.)

After that, I and hubby take the time to make a little fancier dessert together. It can be a fruit pie, a chocolaty mousse from scratch, or something else that we want to try out. It doesn’t matter what it is just that you make something together, and spend time together.

Impromptu picnics

people, couple, guy

Cut up some fruit or veggies, make a dip, grab a bottle of wine (or soda, alcohol isn’t needed all the time.), and bring it outside for an impromptu picnic under the stars. Or if the weather is bad, have a picnic in the living room.

My polar bear husband has tried to suggest we do this one now in the middle of the winter. I refused on the ground that we are in the northern hemisphere and it is cold as h-ll in the evenings. But we did a variation of this and had a picnic in the living room and watched a movie on Netflix.

Have an intimate moment

glasses, alcohol, whisky

Have a romantic intimate moment in front of a fireplace. (missing a fireplace, never fear as Netflix and YouTube have several long-running flickering flames videos to choose from to turn your TV into one. Like this 11 hour one on YouTube.

Start a project together.

 It can be anything really, as long as it is something you do together for you. Here is a couple of tips:

  • Make a photo book of you and your partner. Take time to go through photos from the time you met until today. Focus on the two of you but don’t censure away your kids as they are a part of you. Here is a page that can help you make that book happen when you have gotten that far. There are several options out there but that page helped me find a service that I wanted to use when we (me and hubby) can decide on doing this. 
  • Make a travel bucket list together and dream yourselves away. Make plans to save to get that list ticked off. This can be as simple as going camping, taking a hotel night in a city close by, or traveling abroad. I and the hubby have decided to tackle our travel bucket list with a city weekend every 5 years of our marriage without the children but also take family vacations around the world whenever we can.

Like I said in the beginning. It all boils down to finding things that you can do together when the kids are sleeping and daring to try something new. Of course, both of you need to have an open mind and be willing to try.

What would you be willing to try on this list?  or do you have any other suggestions for this list?

Drop a comment to let me know.

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